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Join the PTSO

The Apprentice Academy PTSO is a non-profit tax-exempt organization created under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Tax Code. This allows us to use various ways to raise money that goes directly back into your student’s school. The PTSO is also run completely by volunteers who work with Apprentice Academy Middle and High School to enhance the educational environment of all students. ​


We also provide opportunities to grow school spirit while hosting events throughout the school year. If you are interested in joining the PTSO to assist with enhancing Apprentice Academy students’ education, please contact us. There are various ways to help, whether you volunteer your time and talents, purchase materials for the classroom, or just send in a donation. We know that your families are very busy, but we welcome all parents of students at Apprentice Academy to get more involved with their child’s education. Thank you for your support!

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