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Student Health and Immunization Records

Immunization Requirements


In compliance with North Carolina law (General Statute 130A-152-157), parents/guardian must present certification of the required immunizations at the age required by law on or before the first day a student enters school.

Immunization Information NC

North Carolina Immunization Law



Medical Exemption/ Religious Exemption


If you feel your child is medically or religiously exempt, click on the link below for more information.

Medical and Religious Exemption NC



Health Assessment Requirements


In compliance with North Carolina law (General Statue 130A-440), each child entering public school, grades k-12 for the first time must have a health assessment completed by their Health Care Provider. The Provider may be out of state but the results of the physical exam must be recorded on a North Carolina Health Care Transmittal Form.

The Health Assessment must not be done more than 12 calendar months prior to school entry and before the 30th calendar day after school entry.

NC Health Assessment Transmittal Form

NC Health Assessment Transmittal Form - Spanish





Medication Administration Policy Information

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